Internal and External Parasites:
Fleas are small black insects which live in the fur of our dogs and cats. They love to bite and feed on dogs, cats, humans, and other furry animals. Not alone do they cause raised itchy bite marks, but they may also trigger flea allergic dermatitis, anaemia and transmit tapeworms. Fleas can lay up to 50 eggs every single day, and when all 50 of those start breeding, you quickly have an infestation on your hands. This rapid lifecycle makes fleas particularly difficult to get rid of. Over 95% of the fleas live in the environment and only jump on to you or your pet to feed. So, when you see one flea on your dog or cat, you likely already have a flea infestation in your home. Also, adult fleas make only 5% of your flea population, the rest being eggs, pupae and larvae, and they are difficult to kill! Therefore, we strongly recommend year-round flea protection.
Ticks are small parasites, which drink your pet’s or your own blood. They grow in size and finally fall off. It is not just uncomfortable, but they can also transmit diseases such as Lyme’s disease seen in humans and in dogs, or other tick-borne diseases like Babesiosis, which fortunately is uncommon in Ireland. By using suitable tick products, you can protect your pet and yourself.
The most common type of worms are Tapeworms, Roundworms, Hookworms and Whipworms (only in dogs). Worms live in the gastrointestinal tract of your pets. They are very common and are a health risk to your pet and yourself. Children are especially susceptible to worm infestations, resulting in potentially serious health issues and even damage to the eyes of children. It is recommended to treat your pet regularly, at least every three months but monthly if concerned or if your pet is at a greater risk.
Angiostrongylus vasorum more commonly known as Lungworm is a worm which lives in the main vessels of the heart and lungs of dogs, foxes and badgers. Slugs and snails can transmit the larvae, resulting in a potentially life-threatening lung worm infection. Exercise intolerance, respiratory symptoms, bleeding among others are some of the signs of a Lungworm infection. Regular treatment with the use of a specific worming treatment on a monthly basis is required to prevent infection with this worm.
Mites and Lice:
Mites and Lice can be extremely uncomfortable for your pet, they cause itchy skin and ears. There are different types which need to be treated differently. There are some species of mite that may be contagious to people. Don’t worry just give us a call and we will advise you on the best way to prevent or treat a mite or lice infection.
Note: Treatment for parasites differs depending on the size, weight and breed of your pet. If you are concerned about your pets parasite control please give us a call and we will be happy to discuss the most suitable prevention.